Annual Family Fun Day
Saturday, March 30 | A New Beginning Church | 10:00 am - 12:00 pmWe will be celebrating the Easter season with our big Annual Family Fun Day!
We will have over 10,000 candy-filled Easter eggs, bounce houses, slides, free food, pony rides, prize drawings, photo booths and so much more! Fun for all ages! Bring some friends and come on out to celebrate Jesus!
21 Days Of Prayer and Fasting
January 5 - January 25Our Annual 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting starts January 5th! We would love for you to join us in this amazing time! To receive DAILY DEVOTIONS during the fast please text “fast” and your email address to 912 545 3141.
In Matthew 6:16, Jesus looks tells His followers, “When you fast” and proceeds to give specific instructions about how they are to fast and pray. It’s interesting that Jesus didn’t say ‘if’ you fast, He said ‘when’ you fast. This tells us that Jesus assumed His followers were going to fast. This means fasting is a spiritual discipline that every Christian must devote themselves to.
All throughout The Bible, God’s people consistently took time to fast and pray in order to grow closer to God and experience breakthroughs in specific areas. If you are wanting to deepen your relationship with God or see Him move supernaturally in a specific area, this is a great time to fast and pray.
Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline that aligns our hearts more closely with the heart of God and also empowers us to see breakthroughs in specific areas. Fasting is when we go without food (or specific types of food) for a period of time and instead direct our attention more fully to God. It helps us as believers to not be ruled by our physical desires but to grow in spiritual power and authority over the desires of our flesh.
When you decide to fast, the first thing to do is make a plan. Start by choosing the amount of time and the type of fast you are going to do. Fasting can take place for any specific amount of time and can include a complete fast, partial fast, or selective fast (ex. Daniel Fast).
It’s important to note that fasting without prayer is simply not eating. Remember that the goal is to not eat (or only eat specific types of food) for a time so that you can redirect your focus, energy, and attention toward God. The goal is to replace consuming food with time reading God’s Word and in prayer.
There are a wide variety of types of fasts, which we’ve simplified into three main categories:
Complete Fast :Also known as a full fast, a complete fast is when you do not eat any food (and consume liquids only) for a specific period of time. Please consult a medical professional in advance if you intend to do a complete fast for a prolonged period of time.
Partial Fast: A partial fast is when you fast all food for a set specific time throughout the day. For example, you may decide to fast from sunrise to sunset and eat food only in the evenings.
Selective Fast (ex. The ‘Daniel Fast’): A selective fast is when you fast only specific types of foods. The most popular selective fast is known as the Daniel Fast. A Daniel Fast is where you avoid meats, sweets, and treats for a specific amount of time. During a Daniel Fast, you normally consume rice, beans & lentils, vegetables, and fruits, while avoiding bread, meats, dairy products, sugars/ sweeteners, and alcoholic beverages.