Get to Know Us
Staff and LeadersCHURCH Staff and Leaders
We are a contemporary church which believes in ministering where we are living at in today's culture with timeless biblical scriptures and values. We are a non-denominational and a multi-cultural church. We know a lot of people still believe in God and the Bible, but bad church experiences have left many feeling confused and empty. We are continuing to re-think church so that it’s a place where you can ask questions about your doubts, experience real relationships, and embrace a Holy God that loves you! Regardless of your past and faith tradition, we invite you to give God and His church another try as we pursue Jesus in a different and real way. WE BELIEVE THAT EVERYONE DESERVES A NEW BEGINNING! Micah 6:8

Tom Gardner
Lead Pastor

Debby Davis
Worship Leader

Dallas Parker
Student Director

Wendy Blakeslee
Children’s Director

Libby Gardner
Women’s Ministry

Sarah Stephens
Creative Content

Al Padrick
Chairman of Elders

Amanda Anderson
Treasurer / Human Resources